Turner Drug Store Ltd.


Wampole Vitamin C - 500 mg. CAD3.99

Wampole Vitamin C - 500 mg.  - 120 Tablets 
Vitamin C must be consumed daily to maintain sufficient stores. It promotes wound-healing and is effective in ...


Webber Naturals B-100 Complex  - 60 Tablets 
B-vitamins are necessary for all facets of the body's metabolic processes and for maintaining a healthy nervous system.

An ...

Webber Naturals B-50 Complex CAD7.49

Webber Naturals B-50 Complex  - 60 Capsules 
B-vitamins are necessary for all facets of the body's metabolic processes and for maintaining a healthy nervous system.

An ...

Webber Naturals Coenzyme Q10 - 30 mg. CAD34.99

Webber Naturals Coenzyme Q10 - 30 mg.  - 150 Capsules 
Coenzyme Q10 is a natural vitamin-like compound which is indispensable to the process of energy production at the ...

Webber Naturals D-Pantothenic Acid - 250 mg. CAD5.99

Webber Naturals D-Pantothenic Acid - 250 mg.  - 90 Capsules 
Also known as vitamin B5, pantothenic acid is considered an anti-stress vitamin because it is vital for the ...

Webber Naturals E+3 (Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Selenium) CAD8.99

Webber Naturals E+3 (Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Beta Carotene, Selenium)  - 60 Capsules 
A superior antioxidant formula which combines the best-researched and most powerful antioxidants in one capsule. Each antioxidant ...

Webber Naturals EPure (Research Quality) - 400 IU Special Offer!   CAD12.99

Webber Naturals EPure (Research Quality) - 400 IU  - 100 Capsules 
Vitamin E is a vital antioxidant, used to treat and prevent cardiovascular disease as well as diabetes and ...

Webber Naturals EPure (Research Quality) - 800 IU CAD14.99

Webber Naturals EPure (Research Quality) - 800 IU 60 Capsules 
Vitamin E is a vital antioxidant, used to treat and prevent cardiovascular disease as well as diabetes and ...

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Turner Drug Store Ltd.