Return Policy |
All products are unconditionally garanteed. Simply return the product with proof of purchase. We would also appreciate a short description of your reason for return so that we may ensure better service and products. |
Shipping and Handling |
Shipping & handling are charged on a cost recovery basis. We endeavour to use the least expensive shipping method while ensuring secure and prompt delivery of product. All shipments out of country are shipped fully insured.
Shipping charges have been simplified and are based on a set value for orders less than $200.00 and a percentage of the order for orders over $200.00. To prevent delays, please select the right shipping charge for your order.
Please note that some orders may cost us significantly more to ship, either because of the physical size of the shipment or the region to which you ask us to ship. In those cases we will notify you of the extra cost by email, before shipping. You will have the choice of paying the extra or cancelling the order. If you cancel the order you will receive an immediate refund of your payment. |
Privacy Statement |
Product is shipped in a neutral package. Your personnal information and purchase pattern will not be disclosed to third parties. |