Turner Drug Store Ltd.


Wampole Vitamin C - 500 mg.  - 120 Tablets


Vitamin C must be consumed daily to maintain sufficient stores. It promotes wound-healing and is effective in fighting bacterial infections as well as some allergy-producing compounds.

Wampole Vitamin C 500 mg. offers 120 tablets for the price of 100.

  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 500 mg.
  • 1 - 3 tablets daily

Reference: WAM 51017

Manufactured by: Wampole Canada Inc.

Size: 120 tablets

Weight: 102.40 g

Additional Information: DIN 00036188

Made in  Canada

Payment Methods
MasterCard, Visa, Cheques or money orders. To prevent shipping delays, please send certified cheques only.

Currency CAD
Ref Description Price Quantity Required Add to Basket
WAM 51017 Wampole Vitamin C - 500 mg.  - 120 Tablets CAD3.99 bottle

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Turner Drug Store Ltd.