Turner Drug Store Ltd.

Women's Products

Natural Factors Soy Isoflavone Complex - 50 mg. CAD18.99

Natural Factors Soy Isoflavone Complex - 50 mg.  - 120 Capsules 
The phytoestrogens in soy have been shown to help maintain a healthy menstrual cycle and reduce menopausal symptoms ...


Natural Factors Vitex  - 90 Capsules 
Vitex agnus castus (also called Chasteberry) has been used for 2,500 years to treat menstrual irregularities, ranging from ...

Naka Meno Ease CAD19.99

Naka Meno Ease  - 150 Capsules 
Menopause is a natural step in the process of aging, but for many women, it is associated with ...

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Turner Drug Store Ltd.