Turner Drug Store Ltd.


Swiss Echinacea - 100 mg. with Vitamin C Lozenges  - 60 Lozenges


A traditional herbal remedy for the relief of sore throats due to colds.

  • Echinacea Angustifolia - 100 mg.
  • Vitamin C - 100 mg.
  • Bee Propolis - 50 mg.
  • Slippery Elm Bark (Ulmus rubra) - 10 mg.
  • Adults: 1 lozenge under the tongue when you feel a cold coming. May repeat hourly.
  • WARNING: If rough or sore throat persists, consult your physician.
  • Large doses of vitamin C can cause diarrhea. Reduce dose if symptoms appear.
  • Echinacea is contraindicated in those with an autoimmune disease (eg. Multiple Sclerosis, AIDS, etc.), or allergies to plants in the sunflower family.
  • Not recommended for pregnant or lactating women.

Reference: SWS 37901

Manufactured by: Swiss Herbal Remedies Ltd.

Size: 60 lozenges

Weight: 94.00 g

Additional Information: DIN 02237692

Payment Methods
MasterCard, Visa, Cheques or money orders. To prevent shipping delays, please send certified cheques only.

Currency CAD
Ref Description Price Quantity Required Add to Basket
SWS 37901 Swiss Echinacea - 100 mg. with Vitamin C Lozenges  - 60 Lozenges CAD4.19 bottle

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Turner Drug Store Ltd.