Turner Drug Store Ltd.


Webber Naturals Zinc Citrate - 50 mg.  - 180 Tablets


Zinc works by binding to and activating over 200 enzymes in the human body. Enzymes are essential elements of life and health and are responsible for producing vibrant, healthy bodies.

Some health problems associated with zinc deficiency include impaired immune function, prostate enlargement, male infertility, various kinds of psychiatric illnesses (including depression), insomnia, delayed wound healing, anorexia, diminished sense of taste and/or smell, macular degeneration, night blindness, susceptibility to acne and chronic inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Elemental Zinc (Citrate) - 50 mg.
  • 1 tablet daily, preferably with meals
  • for therapeutic use only

Reference: WN 05053

Manufactured by: WN Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Size: 180 tablets

Weight: 100.60 g

Additional Information: DIN 02240891

Payment Methods
MasterCard, Visa, Cheques or money orders. To prevent shipping delays, please send certified cheques only.

Currency CAD
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WN 05053 Webber Naturals Zinc Citrate - 50 mg.  - 180 Tablets CAD5.99 bottle

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Turner Drug Store Ltd.