Turner Drug Store Ltd.


Natural Factors Turmeric & Bromelain  - 90 Capsules


Natural Factors Turmeric & Bromelain capsules help to reduce inflammatory conditions and enhance digestion while supporting and protecting the liver.

Turmeric and bromelain help to enhance health in two ways: i) taken between meals, they help to break down soft plaque in the blood vessels, thin the blood, and work as anti-inflammatory agents for painful joints; ii) taken with meals, they are an excellent digestive aid which help with bloating and gas. They also minimize the feeling of fullness after meals.

  • Turmeric Extract (95% Curcumin) - 300 mg.
  • Bromelain Extract (Pineapple Source) - 150 mg.
  • each gram of Bromelain extract contains 1000 GDU (Gelatin digesting units) and 1500 MCU (Milk clotting units) of enzyme activity
  • 1 - 2 capsules at mealtime or as directed by a health practitioner

Reference: NF 01738

Manufactured by: Natural Factors

Size: 90 capsules

Weight: 90.20 kg

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MasterCard, Visa, Cheques or money orders. To prevent shipping delays, please send certified cheques only.

Currency CAD
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NF 01738 Natural Factors Turmeric & Bromelain  - 90 Capsules CAD16.99 bottle

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