Turner Drug Store Ltd.


Herbal Factors Cranberry Juice Extract - 500 mg.  - 90 Capsules


Cranberries help to treat urinary tract infections by preventing bacteria from sticking to the lining of the urinary tract and bladder, where it can multiply and cause infection.

Cranberry juice capsules seem to offer more consistent anti-adherence activity than cranberry juice cocktail. They also provide a convenient alternative for those who don't like the taste of cranberries or who aren't willing to drink several glasses of juice per day.

  • Cranberry Juice Extract (18:1) - 500 mg.
  • 18 g. of cranberries equals 1 g. of juice extract
  • 1 - 3 capsules three times daily or as directed by a health practitioner

Reference: NF 04510

Manufactured by: Natural Factors

Size: 90 capsules

Weight: 82.50 g

Payment Methods
MasterCard, Visa, Cheques or money orders. To prevent shipping delays, please send certified cheques only.

Currency CAD
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NF 04510 Herbal Factors Cranberry Juice Extract - 500 mg.  - 90 Capsules CAD12.99 bottle

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