Turner Drug Store Ltd.


Natural Factors Garlic Factors  - 90 Tablets


Using a recently-developed dissolution process, Garlic Factors delivers the highest allicin levels of any garlic product.

Garlic Factors also provides the highest levels of other important sulfur compounds from garlic, including gamma-glutamylcysteines, which are showing benefit as antioxidants and detoxification aids.

Garlic has antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal activity and may be protective against colds and flu, as well as bacterial and yeast infections.

Odour controlled. Enteric Coated.

  • Allicin (Certified) - 6,150 mcg.
  • Alliin - 14,145 mcg.
  • Total Thiosulfinates - 6,150 mcg.
  • Gamma Glutamylcysteines - 4,800 mcg.
  • whole garlic without garlic's after-odour
  • 1 tablet daily

Reference: NF 02330

Manufactured by: Natural Factors

Size: 90 Tablets

Weight: 129.80 g

Payment Methods
MasterCard, Visa, Cheques or money orders. To prevent shipping delays, please send certified cheques only.

Currency CAD
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NF 02330 Natural Factors Garlic Factors  - 90 Tablets CAD9.99 bottle

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Turner Drug Store Ltd.