Turner Drug Store Ltd.


Bach Flower Essences - Star of Bethlehem  - 20 ml.


Remedy to bring comfort and consolation following any kind of shock. Can also be used for the effects of a shock received many years before, even in very early childhood.

  • 5X Ornithogalum umbellatum
  • in 27% grape alcohol solution
  • 2 drops in a small glass of water, sip at intervals
  • or 2 drops under the tongue as required

Reference: BACH STA

Manufactured by: Bach Flower Remedies Ltd.

Size: 10 ml bottle

Weight: 23.30 g

Additional Information: DIN 02185059

Payment Methods
MasterCard, Visa, Cheques or money orders. To prevent shipping delays, please send certified cheques only.

Currency CAD
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BACH STA Bach Flower Essences - Star of Bethlehem  - 20 ml. CAD12.99 bottle

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