Turner Drug Store Ltd.

Herbal Supplements

St. Francis Herb Farm Oats - 50 ml. CAD11.99

St. Francis Herb Farm Oats - 50 ml.  
Grown around the world as a cereal crop, Oats benefit the health in numerous ways.

Oats are used by ...

St. Francis Herb Farm Scullcap - 50 ml. CAD12.69

St. Francis Herb Farm Scullcap - 50 ml.  
A native North American herb, Scullcap is taken mainly as a nerve tonic. It has significant restorative ...

St. Francis Herb Farm Siberian Ginseng - 50 ml. CAD11.59

St. Francis Herb Farm Siberian Ginseng - 50 ml.  
Siberian Ginseng is a powerful tonic herb with an impressive range of health benefits. Research has shown ...

St. Francis Herb Farm St. John's Wort - 50 ml. CAD12.19

St. Francis Herb Farm St. John's Wort - 50 ml.  
St. John's Wort contains several active compounds which are responsible for its anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effect. Taken ...

St. Francis Herb Farm Valerian - 50 ml. CAD11.09

St. Francis Herb Farm Valerian - 50 ml.  
Valerian has been used since Roman times for its calming, sedative effect. It has been shown to ...

Sunkist Echinacea Tincture CAD5.99

Sunkist Echinacea Tincture  - 50 ml. 
Echinacea is a traditional herbal immune system stimulant. It is especially well-known for its ability to prevent ...

Sunkist Ginkgo Biloba - 60 mg. CAD4.99

Sunkist Ginkgo Biloba - 60 mg.  - 90 Tablets 
The leaves of the ginkgo tree act by increasing blood flow to the brain and lower extremities. ...

Swiss Alfalfa Leaf - 650 mg. CAD3.69

Swiss Alfalfa Leaf - 650 mg.  - 90 Tablets 
Alfalfa leaves are rich in minerals and nutrients, including calcium, magnesium, potassium and beta carotene.

Not only is alfalfa ...

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Turner Drug Store Ltd.