Turner Drug Store Ltd.

Dietary Supplements

SISU Essential EFA CAD12.99

SISU Essential EFA  - 90 Capsules 
Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are not produced by the body. A lack of dietary EFAs may contribute ...

SISU Flax Seed Oil - 1000 mg. CAD9.99

SISU Flax Seed Oil - 1000 mg.  - 120 Capsules 
Flax seed oil is one of the best sources of alpha linolenic acid, an essential fatty acid not ...

SISU Glucosamine Sulfate (Sodium-Free) - 500 mg. CAD14.99

SISU Glucosamine Sulfate (Sodium-Free) - 500 mg.  - 180 Capsules 
Glucosamine sulfate is found naturally in the joints, where it stimultes the manufacture of cartilage and helps repair ...

St. Francis Herb Farm - Psyllium Seed Combo CAD12.99

St. Francis Herb Farm - Psyllium Seed Combo  - 250 g. 
A natural solution to sluggish bowels. Psyllium Seed Combo is formulated to promote elimination of wastes through ...

Swiss "5" Strain Dophilus - Max Strength CAD7.99

Swiss "5" Strain Dophilus - Max Strength  - 60 Capsules 
These capsules are enteric-coated to allow beneficial bacteria to pass through harsh stomach acids and release their micro-organisms ...


Swiss Apple Cider Plus Chromium  - 90 Tablets 
Apple Cider Vinegar and Chromium complement each other in their ability to promote weight loss.

Both play important ...

Swiss Bee Pollen - 600 mg. CAD5.99

Swiss Bee Pollen - 600 mg.  - 90 Tablets 
Bee pollen is comprised of 10 to 15% protein and contains vitamins B and C, as well as ...

Swiss Brewers Yeast - 400 mg. CAD3.59

Swiss Brewers Yeast - 400 mg.  - 90 Tablets 
Brewers yeast is a nutritional supplement rich in B-vitamins, amino acids, minerals and protein.

It can be included in ...

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Turner Drug Store Ltd.