
Turner Drug Store Ltd.


Natural Factors Complete B - 100 mg. (Time Release) CAD13.99

Natural Factors Complete B - 100 mg. (Time Release)? - 90 Tablets?
The B vitamins work together to metabolize proteins, carbohydrates and fats and to provide the body with energy. ...

Natural Factors Complete B - 100 mg. (Time Release) CAD27.99

Natural Factors Complete B - 100 mg. (Time Release)? - 180 Tablets?
The B vitamins work together to metabolize proteins, carbohydrates and fats and to provide the body with energy. ...

Natural Factors Complete Multi (Iron-Free) CAD9.99

Natural Factors Complete Multi (Iron-Free)? - 90 Tablets?
This moderate-strength multivitamin contains a good mix of basic vitamins and minerals. It can be taken more ...

Natural Factors Complete Tocopherols - Vitamin E CAD11.99

Natural Factors Complete Tocopherols - Vitamin E? - 60 Softgels?
D-alpha tocopherol is the best known of the four tocopherols in oil-based vitamin E supplements. Natural Factors ...

Natural Factors D'Pantothenic Acid - 250 mg. CAD5.99

Natural Factors D'Pantothenic Acid - 250 mg.? - 90 Capsules?
Pantothenic Acid is also referred to as Vitamin B5. It is considered an "anti-stress" vitamin because of ...

Natural Factors Ester-C - 600 mg. CAD24.99

Natural Factors Ester-C - 600 mg.? - 180 Capsules?
Ester C is a buffered form of vitamin C, which may be more quickly absorbed and utilized by ...

Natural Factors Ester-C Powder CAD27.99

Natural Factors Ester-C Powder ? - 200 g.?
Ester-C is a special form of Vitamin C that is non-acidic and "body-ready". It is especially beneficial ...

Natural Factors Folic Acid - 1 mg. (Plus 20 mg. Vitamin C) CAD5.99

Natural Factors Folic Acid - 1 mg. (Plus 20 mg. Vitamin C)? - 90 Tablets?
Folic acid works closely with vitamin B12 to produce red blood cells. It is vital to proper ...

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